Thursday, July 17, 2008

more charleston

Okay, I am a month late in posting these. We've been in and out of town and I am just now catching up. Here are some more odds and ends from the June reunion in Charleston. We had a great time and with the exception of a summer afternoon downpour the weather was beautiful. I am so grateful to Dave's cousin Shirley and her husband Rusty for planning all of this.

Marketplace details

Three excited kids who travelled through the wee hours of Friday moring in their pjs so we could see a little of the city.

Flags at Hyman's Deli on Meeting Street...some of the best She Crab Soup you will ever taste!

Dave's father, Don with his girlfriend, Mary.

The McDermitt Siblings in birth order. There were seven original children, but one died as a toddler. It's neat to see them all together.

Cousins who enjoy laughing together.


Claudia said...

Everyone looks marvelous! Thanks for posting about such a great event. How lucky those siblings are to have each other and have everyone well enough to get together!

Caroline said...

Hi Ann, Great pictures, I wish we could have made it. It is so nice that we are close cousins