I have been researching some links for our upcoming spring break trip. This year we are doing something different. Usually we try to hit the beach with the kids. Realistically that was the best thing to do with little kids in tow...pack everything up, go to one place, and enjoy chasing toddlers and keeping everyone safe. Now we are getting to the stage where we have school aged kids. This year we are taking a bit of a friends and family tour - New Orleans, San Antonio, Waco, and Dallas. I'm really excited about the possibilities and convinced we may need a vacation from our vacation when we return. I hope this marks a new phase for us.
My friend Julie lives in Waco, TX. She and her husband are professors at Baylor University. They are friends we met while living in Maryland. Our boys were born just days apart and we even celebrated their first birthday together. Geez I need to wrangle up that video of the boys sitting in high chairs out on our patio with their faces covered in blue frosting. Oh yes, I digress...
Julie sent me links to the sights in Waco...and I spied this one on the list. When I went to the Dr. Pepper Museum website I had a memory appear in my head. It's a weird southern childhood memory. Not sure if any of you drank Dr. Pepper growing up, but the "10-2-4" mantra used to be printed on the glass bottles. I didn't get to drink soda that often so it was a big deal to me. I was allergic to Coke, but somehow Dr, Pepper didn't bother me.
I'm sure my mother was just trying to keep me still for a few moment while she got her frosted 70's updo, but going to the beauty shop was a big outing. I knew when we got to the shop that I would get to pick out a drink and a snack. What was number one on my hit parade? A Dr. Pepper and a bag of salted peanuts. I would take the peanuts, pour them into the Dr. Pepper bottle, and then drink my way to 6 year old happiness. The only thing that would have been better is to have indulged in the 10-2-4 fantasy...at least that is the way it seemed as a kid.
Guess I'll just have to rely on my DIET Dr. Pepper and my raw almonds to make me happy now. Ah, youth...
Have you tried the new Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper??? YUMMY! I'm a Diet Dr. Pepper-aholic!
It's Texas, take any museum you can get!!!
I didn't realize Julie was at Baylor - we so enjoyed meeting her in Maryland at Will's birthday (the blue one...).
Tom's drink of choice is Diet Dr. Pepper. He's a Pepper, Ann!!
I have not tried the Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper, but I will asap. While we lived in Hawaii, before Jordan was born, I would live on DDP while Dave was deployed on missions. One day I think I overdosed on the caffeine...I was more than hyper after drinking unknown amounts.
Ryan and Julie are both professors at Baylor. He is in the Biology Sciences and has done all kinds of cool stuff. Julie teaches pre-law. Can you remember the 'Blue' song that Joshua suggested for the video after seeing the icing everywhere? I just remember being glad we did it outside!
Amy, I knew I liked Tom. Now I know what to serve him when you come South to visit.
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