Thursday, May 15, 2008

catching up

After Spring Break the family event tempo tends to pick up to an almost unbearable speed. Throw in a few business trips, standardized testing at school, and all the end of the school year activities and you'll find us breathless most days. Our weekends have turned into a whirlwind of activity. We are now at the point where only two weeks remain in the school year and though I see a busy summer ahead, you'll sense a sigh of relief from me when that last wonderful day of school arrives. Here are some odds and ends from the last few weeks:

Dave went on a men's retreat at church. When he returned on Saturday afternoon he was so thrilled with the state park where they held the event that he loaded us up for an adventure. We went on a hike and then ate dinner at the lodge there by the lake. It was a fun Saturday night.

Jordan has been active in a volleyball league called Sky Volleyball. It's a new league and she was playing up to the 12 year old team as a 10.5 year old. It was a very positive experience for her. Soccer wasn't her sport and volleyball seems to have filled the team sport need for her. I loved this league because it was part of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and was such a positive group. We did not have to travel very much because we were more at a developmental team age...but I see a dramatic change in that ahead. This photo was taken at a scrimmage with a team about an hour away on the other side of Atlanta.

William had a school performance which was classic kindergarten...well, all except for the songs sung in spanish, hebrew, and german. We are so blessed with an incredible public school. Here William is with his friend Cameron after the concert.

Jordan turned 11 on May 4th. Dave had a genius idea to wrap her tiny gift (an ipod nano) in multiple boxes. This made it quite a challenge for her to discover the final prize. Needless to say, she was happy that night. I'll post more about her actual birthday party with friends in the next post. I'm blessed to have her as my daughter. The girl has a heart of gold and I love her for it.

William received a math award at school and he was proud to start his own collection of attaboys. Satisfying for a little brother...especially since Jordan did not receive this reward.

There's more to post later. Hope these snapshots explain my absence from cognitive thought.


Claudia said...

You really do pack more into the average day than I do. I don't know how you do it, and I certainly don't know how you stay sane enough to photograph it all! Congratulations on having such wonderful, smart, athletic children who will truly be a tribute to their parents' loving kindness.
When are we going to get to see you guys live and in person? - We are in McD withdrawal...

Elizabeth Lucas Wilson said...

Sounds like you all are busy bees. Please do get in touch before your trip to Nashville. I'd love to see you!

Anonymous said...

ann! love the pix. happy bday to jordan and congrats to william - i can't believe how grown up he's looking!