Thursday, June 26, 2008

not your typical charleston pics

These photos are a collection of things we saw on our trip to Charleston last weekend. We headed there for the family reunion, but couldn't resist taking these other photos to share with you. It was so blogworthy that even Dave commented on how these would end up here.

We saw this billboard after crossing onto the Isle of Palms. I almost fell in the floorboard of the car laughing and Dave helped me capture it out the window. This was everyone's favorite phrase of the trip. Perhaps I should explain that the Piggly Wiggly grocery store has been a staple of southern life for years. The HQ and it's founding family live in Charleston.

And at a seafood restaurant we ate at Jordan spied this hilarious version of the claw game. I can honestly say that I've never seen anyone catch their dinner this way.

William in Arby's (we were eating lunch in a hurry before leaving town on Sunday) with his magic book. He carefully read and followed a trick in the book with a straw paper and then exclaimed that the book was a "HUGE dissappointment" and not "what was claimed" to which Dave and I replied that life was a little like that in all ways. ;-)

Jordan found a sign that was meant just for her in downtown Charleston. Thanks goodness she didn't feel the need to shop there.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

funny girl

Grace was just sitting in the bathroom reading a Familyfun Magazine. She
saw an ad with two men sitting on a couch. One is Pat Robertson and
the other is Al Sharpton. She then says,

"Mom, look at those two men on that couch.
One looks like Pop-Pop and
the other one looks like Daddy."

Apparently Pop-Pop looks like Pat Robertson. Now Dave, who does your daughter think you look like?!?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

bikes, daycamps, and the fbi

First off, I must share something I found on our refrigerator yesterday:

I initially thought a secret agent had invaded our world, but then realized after quizzing everyone that it was the work of our girlie. Grace had no idea why we were all cracking up. She was just getting mad that the WordWhammer wouldn't read the word for her. ;-)

For a few weeks Dave has been taking William out on biking adventures -- things like a trip to his school parking lot or to a favorite neighbor's home -- and Grace has stayed behind. Everytime they would return Grace would be patiently waiting for Dave to take her out on a little excursion on her tricycle. And Dave would take her around a few neighborhood streets and then circle back. She never complained about William's little treat rides, but you could see the "one day that'll be me" in her eyes.

Dave decided that there was a remedy to this issue. He recently purchased a tandem bike for Grace. He took William (Now very competent in bike riding since dropping his training wheels two months ago.) and Grace on a 4 mile ride around local neighborhoods and streets yesterday. We got the tandem two weekends ago and it has been a big thrill for Grace. She rides calmly like a big girl and seems to understand the safety issues involved. And I love hearing about all the things she saw along the way. It's funny to hear what she notices.

Last night was nice. After their longest ride they returned home to change into swimsuits. Jordan and I were already at the pool hanging out in the warm water of a summer twilight. So much fun to enjoy being together with everyone. Nothing fancy, but just good basic fun.

This week has been filled with a soccer camp for William (in the blazing heat) and a drama camp for Jordan. It's made for a busy week, but a good one. The big kids are all falling asleep completely happy and exhausted this week. I took the picture below after Will had discarded his cleats and shin guards at the end of a busy morning. Jordan's camp will conclude with a reinvented version of Alice in Wonderland. The participants have tried to turn the story in a completely different way this week. I can't wait to see it on Friday.

What are your Father's Day plans?

Saturday, June 07, 2008

summer weekend

So here I sit in the wilds of Alabama. My parents live on a huge piece of land which is wooded and peaceful. Well, most of the time. My parents are having their roof replaced and our trip home for a family birthday has added some excitement to their already noisy household. The roofers started very early because it is darn hot in Alabama at this time of the year. To be honest I was so tired that I didn't even hear them.

We picked up Jordan from camp yesterday. I had brought a change of clothing for Jordan, but she looked clean enough so we just threw her in the car with her misc. luggage. (a.k.a. two rubbermaid bins and a dirty clothes bag) She had a great time and even learned to windsurf on the lake this time. Lots of things to catch up on as we headed down the road to Alabama. About 30 minutes down the road Dave starts noticing a special odor. He's trying to figure out where it's coming from and then Jordan mentions that she did a trail ride on the horses that afternoon. She then says,

"We always have to muck out the stalls after a ride."

Hmmm. I believe we found the source of the special smell. Thank goodness she uses the boots from the barn's collection. I'm really glad we don't have those to recover. My poor mother's washing machine is being treated to camp clothing. Ah, campers and roofers....welcome summer!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

today's camp photo

Jordan in the lake waiting for a kayak. I believe her swimsuits will have the color of that red Georgia mud in them, don't you?

Monday, June 02, 2008

camping girl scout style

Yesterday was a big day for our family. We got Jordan off for her third year of Girl Scout sleep away camp. The camp is only 45 minutes away and yet, it feels a world away because of the wooded areas. This year Jordan packed a large portion of "the list" and seemed like a camping expert. They are not roughing it too hard. There is a nice dining hall, craft cabin, lake activities, a pool, and tent cabins which are permanent structures.

I was a little worried when we got Jordan's stuff to the tent yesterday. She had a tentmate who had never been away to camp and was having a very difficult time with the homesickness right off the bat. I felt so bad for the girl. Thinking about it on the way home I know that I am so blessed to have kids who are willing to try new experiences and border on fiercely independent. It seems like Jordan grows so much during this week. She feels capable and sure of herself. I'm hoping this is good experience for the eventual college phase.

We get to cheat a little as parents. Each day the camp uploads photos for us to get a peek at the day. I've found Jordan in a couple. The first is a group photo of her unit. Apparently they took this after they picked activities last night. And the second is from today. It looks like Jordan is in the craft cabin making lanyards or something similar. (Notice the new hip glasses she picked last week...they are black with lime green interiors. I suggested tortoise shell color and she said that would be what I would choose, but not what an 11 year old would want. Yikes!) I take heart in the fact that she is wearing different outfits and though similar color...the shorts are fresh also. Always a good sign!