Friday, January 22, 2010

pinewood derby world

Pinewood Derby 2009 design

Tonight we are in Pinewood Derby World. We are in the final stages of coaching William through his big project. It began weeks ago when William drew his design and talked about the assigned theme of "Patriotic". You get a box that contains:

a block of wood
two axels
four wheels

And you are to make something that will be fast and stylish as it rolls down the tracks. There are weight requirements and dimension rules. We found out last year that even paint adds weight to the car. In 2009, William decided to recreate a wiimote. this year he's going for more speed with a wedge shape. Last year was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to seeing the fun as I sip my coffee tomorrow morning. I'll post pictures when we get them.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Ah, Pinewood Derby. I count down in terror the 3 years and 360 days until it's our turn.