Saturday, October 28, 2006

art, bats, and spaceships

I've been rather sporadic about posting lately. I'm doing more and more weekly updates instead of daily updates. There has been so much going on in our family. Big news - Jordan got glasses last Thursday and seems happy to wear them. We've really enjoyed having Dave's father with us during his recovery, too. Honestly I think Fall is one of the busiest seasons of the year and we are in the midst of all that.

Last week we got a call that Jordan had placed in the PTA's art contest. The theme was "my favorite place" She did a piece about the Girl Scout Camp she attended last summer. It was her first sleep away camp (a week) and she really enjoyed it. In addition to all the basic camping things she learned horseback riding and kayaking. She won third place in the contest and was awarded a $10 gift card from Target. We attended the ceremony last Wednesday. All the winners were surprised by the ceremony and they were hilarious. They had a hard time getting the kids out of the classroom to come to the ceremony because they were all so intent on not missing anything in class. Can you imagine? I remember looking for any excuse to be out of class.

William had his Halloween party at school last week. The teacher was very innovative. Instead of having the kids wear their own Halloween costumes she incorporated the creation of costumes into the classroom activities. It was hilarious because they voted on the boy costumes and girl costumes and did lots of learning activities related to their creation. All the boys were Batman and the Girls were a Fairy Princess. When they sat down for storytime it was like a sea of pink on one side and black on the other. Here are some photos:

And while in the classroom I got a huge kick out of this poster on the wall documenting the kid's answers to a question about the things they do with friends. Apparently my son goes to the moon with his friends.

Grace cuddled up to Pop-Pop last week. He's doing better each day and is very anxious to get his surgery staples out. We've had lots of sweet moments with him here.

Next week I'll try to post something other than kid photos. I have some things rumbling around in my head and I need some time to compose my thoughts. Thanks for indulging me. Oh yes, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Big things happening in our neighborhood tonight.


Caroline said...

Jordan is very creative, she looks really proud of her work. Congratulations!! William looks good in his costume. That is the way it always is, the boys are all one things and the girls are fairy princesses.

FourSure said...

Ann - I love reading your blog because I know I'll see great pics of your cutie pie kiddos!

Hope you all had a great Hallowe'en!
