This weekend we:
- attended a photoshop conference with Bert Monroy (Dave and Ann)
- helped Jordan's Girl Scout troop host a SupNSing event for about 200 girls (Ann and Jordan)
- went to the Square in our town to a Community Fun Fest
- watched Jordan play volleyball at the Y
- attended a wedding at our church
- watched an Auburn football game
- ran the AV board at church (Dave)
- attended a great Sunday service
- went to North Georgia to a huge pumpkin patch with our small group from church
- afterwards ate at the Smith House
- brought three tired kids home and I watched Dave pack for his trip to Virginia this week
- prepared backpacks for Monday morning
- and fell into bed exhausted!
How do you fit so much into every day? Really, if I had done that many things in a month I'd be patting myself on the back!
Well, technically I started the weekend on Thursday because that is when Dave and I went to the photoshop conference. I'd much prefer to not fit so much into the weekend because hardly any of the things that need to get done are completed. The older the kids get the more busy it becomes. Some of it is self inflicted, but some of it just all falls on the same dates and there is nothing you can do to control that.
Dave found the county fun festival thing and thought it would be an interesting freebie to take the kids to on Saturday morning. I have to give him full credit...even though he is traveling more during the week he is trying so hard to make a few fun memories by picking what the kids would enjoy at this age and not what we (old mom and dad) would prefer. He's found some good family events. Not exactly relaxing for us adults, but the kids really enjoy some of the 'little things' these events offer. On Saturday they got to pan for "gold" and see the firefighters and cops, etc.
When do you plan to sign Theo up for soccer and baseball??? ;-)
I was wondering that myself Ann. How do you do it?
Let's just say that a lot gets left undone so that we can "do it". This week I am paying the true price though...laundry galore and lots of cleaning to do.
I suspect both of you "do it" better than me because I know your households are run in a much more organized fashion. My friend with 4 children says, "My cup runneth over and then some!"
Oh yeah, see that pumpkin photo? I've given up on trying to get three kids to look decent in one photo. See? An example of how I've lowered my standards.
Since I am working again, it has been really hard keeping up. I did training this week, so I am working all 5 days. I usually work just 2 so my house has gone downhill.
Hi Ann,
Dave back from his trip?
Yes, Dave is back and gone again. ;-) It has been quite busy with our schedule.
Where is he off to this week?
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