Tuesday, February 12, 2008

saying goodbye

It was a sad weekend for our family. We got the call on Friday that my Grandfather was fading fast with fluid in his lungs, low blood pressure, and low oxygen levels. Friday was spent in a frenzy trying to get packed and in the car. We raced over to North Alabama and made it to witness the last 20 minutes of his life after we said good-bye. It was as if he waited for me to get there and then he was able to leave this earth....a very powerful moment. My Grandfather was 88 years old and just three weeks shy of his 89th birthday. For the past 8 years he has been a stroke patient. Somehow his inner strength showed through the set of circumstances he was given. There have been so many close calls over the years, but in almost miraculous fashion he has pulled through while others who were seemingly stronger -- roommates and friends -- have passed on. On Friday it was quite evident that this was his time to depart. His body had just literally worn out.

We spent most of the weekend making funeral plans and comforting my mother with kid antics. She is an only child and it is quite a lonely place to be when both parents are gone. She is one of the last in her family. Keep her in your prayers as she makes the adjustment from caretaker back to some sense of normalcy.

I came to quite the realization over the weekend. The sovereignty of God is alive and present in my life. The weekend was packed with events all weekend -- basketball tournaments, special valentine's events with our church friends, girl scout meetings and activities, a husband traveling on business -- but all that faded away once we decided to go be with our family. I had very clear plans to travel next weekend to visit my family, but God had other plans.


Caroline said...

Ann, please accept our deepest sympathies during this time.

Love, Tom and Caroline and family

Ann said...

Thanks Carolyn. I appreciate it.

Caroline said...

I have been there and know how it feels