Tuesday, June 06, 2006

on the brink

So, I imagine you think I've fallen off the face of the Earth. I haven't posted for almost two weeks now and that's just not like me. Here's the short version:

Last week of school madness
Planting of more plants, pulling of more weeds
Memorial day chillin'
Went swimming with the kids
Cheer camp for Jordan
Sports camp for William
Crazy carpool schedule for Me
Squeezed in 4 workouts last week
William got some kind of stomach bug on Friday morning and I spent the day cleaning up his issues.
Purchased all last minute items necessary to get Jordan ready for Girl Scout Camp
Redressed naked Grace a million times while she yelled "tee-tee" (and yes, I did put her on the potty)
Found William with a purple and pink fingernail polish disaster in his room - he got it from my dresser and I had taken it from Jordan a week or so ago after a near disaster
Dropped Jordan off at her Girl Scout camp on Sunday. It's her first week of overnight camp ever. I'm so excited for her.
Attended a VBS meeting, dropped off food at the church for a special event, attended a t-ball game, and went to another girl scout meeting tonight

So, now do you understand why I haven't posted?

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