Dave and Jordan ready to attend the Girl Scout Father Daughter Dance. Dave took Jordan out on a date that night for a nice meal and then the dance. Apparently Jordan taught him some new dances and they had a great time together.
Grace at her ballet "recital". She takes ballet at the YMCA and they do a skills performance at the end of each session.
William at soccer practice. He really loves the sport so far. It's a true match of his strength and energy level.
Great blog title! Thanks for sharing the pictures, looks like everyone is happy and healthy.
Have you heard that song called "Cinderella"? It'll make Joshua cry a few years from now as Adayla becomes a busy preschooler. Here is the youtube link:
I think Dave had a "cinderella moment" on Friday night at the dance. Especially with Jordan moving into this middle school age. I rolled her hair and when we took it down he almost gasped...she looked so old then. I think one of her curls was surrounding her glasses in this photo. I only noticed it after I posted it.
Wow Ann, your kids are growing so fast. Those moments take you by surprise and sometimes you don't notice them until they are gone.
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