What is it about a Friday? I don't work outside the home and yet I can hardly wait for Friday to get here. It means a release from our weekly schedule and a chance to relax. Of course, some weekends are actually crazier than the weeks. For once the only thing on our schedule was two official events -- tonight's Girl Scout meeting and tomorrow's volleyball scrimage. We are still trying to get all the little things resolved in the girl's room. I took a good stab at the bathroom situation today and tried to get all dangerous things out of the way. Dave plans to put totlocs on those cabinets soon. I did try to put Grace down for her first nap in the room on Wednesday with little success. I think we were past the target time and everything is new to her. She was so excited that she couldn't stop talking and settle down. This is a big leap for a little girl.
Dave leaves for a business trip on Sunday night so I will be a two handed woman with three children. Thankfully Dave has been a laundry angel. Since getting us caught up a few weeks ago he has made it his mission to keep the loads caught up. What I don't finish during the day's distractions he runs through in the morning. What a great thing to make a mission! I am so thankful that even during a crazy work week Dave has made time to spend with each child. I don't say it often enough, but I am grateful for my husband.
Let me leave you with my current pet peeve (that Ann, what an optomistic person she is...) and it completely drives me bonkers with all the incidences of this I see in local traffic. I hate it when people take the "cause ribbons" and turn them sideways.
Yellow ribbons (and other cause ribbons) are normally worn on your clothing upright with the loop at the top. Why don't people leave them that way on the cars? It just bugs the graphic designer in me. I'm all for readability, but I don't really care about it on those ribbons. Their color and design alone -- without words -- should be enough to represent an icon in our brain. And while searching for the photo I found out that there are ribbons for ABSOLUTELY EVERY CAUSE you can imagine. Even ones that encourage golf playing by husbands. There's a cause most husbands would get behind, right?
Have a good weekend!
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Ann, I hate car magnets more than I hate Osama Bin Laden ;0). As for encouraging golf playing husbands...I aint participating in that magnet either because my husband needs no encouragement to play golf! My girls want new bedrooms for Christmas this year. I think we will be joining your frustrations in this endeavor. Oy....
I guess I hate stickers worse than magnets...in general I don't like the outside of my car to be cluttered. Funny since the inside of my van is always a disaster thanks to kid chaos.
Dori, do the girls currently share a room? Will you be redoing themes mostly? How about furniture?
I hate stickers and magnets. I have enough mess on the inside of my car don't need more on the outside. Alia wants to redo her room too. Lizzy McGuire or more than likely Hannah Montana, who is her most favorite singer at this moment. I just thank God its all about girls right now, I know boys will come later.
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