Wednesday, May 17, 2006

the best laid gardening plans

We pull up into Pike Nursery minutes after I posted my intentions on the blog. There was just enough time to get the supplies before picking up Jordan from her art class. The nursery is up on a hill. I pulled into the road that runs to the side entrance...and immediately stopped at the driveway. Several huge hoses were across the drive. And then I detected an odd odor in the air along with three fire trucks in the parking lot. Hmmm, those tomato plants were not calling my name anymore.

It appears that a container truck of pine straw had caught on fire in the parking lot. Foam had been sprayed since there are chemicals -- fertilizer in particular -- which could cause a more serious problem if ignited. Amazingly the store was still open. I did go in and look at the stock of tomatoes. (Not too many to choose from...I guess everyone had my idea last weekend.) I then decided to buy some plants for our deck. I'm planting those this morning. Now I have to figure out where to buy my tomato plants.

Dave got a fun freebie last night. Around 5:00 pm a friend called to say he had a set of Braves tickets for the 7:30 pm game that night. Hawk (one of Dave's best friends from high school) and Dave headed downtown immediately thereafter. The Braves won and they had a good time sitting 12 rows behind the batter. Lucky dogs. ;-)


Caroline said...

Sorru your gardening plans went "up in smoke" just kidding. Can't imagine that being a good smell.

Lucky Dave, wow those are wonderful seats, I love sitting there. One of Tom's brokers gives us tickets every so often and that is where they have tickets, I love going all the time. If I didn't have kids I would be there more often.

Ann said...

Yeah, but season tickets equal lots of school nights. Funny thing is that I saw a play clearer on television than Dave did sitting that close. There was a moment where the bat hit the catcher and the ump called it against the catcher. Dave and his friend couldn't figure out what happened.

Caroline said...

That is usually the case, there is so much to be aware of when sitting that close. I am looking for concert tickets this summer. Tom and I decided to have some fun this year.